Thursday, May 28, 2015

Chapter 12 Journal Prompt

I suppose Ralph cries at the the end of the novel of excitement. He and the other boys are finally being rescued, something which he wanted from the moment he landed on the island. The character I despise the most is Jack. He did such malicious things to everyone and deserved a punishment that would make him realize that what he had done was wrong. Honestly, I don't think I would recommend this book to a friend. 1, because it is and allegory, so you have to really go more in depth in the novel to understand things. 2, it had a bad ending. Usually when I read a book I expect a good ending, especially if it involves such plot twists like this book did. I feel like there were so many questions unanswered that could have been answered but weren't. That is why I wouldn't recommend this book to a friend although it does send out a good message. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

LOTF Chp.11 Questions

1. Ralph's group decides they should go over to Jack and his hunters to get back Piggy's glasses and to start a fire.
2. Before going to Castle Rock, the twins are starting to notice that Ralph is going back to his civilzed morals. They start to notice that Ralph is going back to how he was in the beginning of the book.
3. The boys' plan is bound to fail because if it wasn't obvious, the hunters only follow Jack's orders and don't really care for Ralph's orders.
4. I think Roger pushes the rock off the cliff because he wants to prove Jack that he can do things for him and the tribe.
5. The destruction of the conch is symbolically significant because the conch was a way for them to have some type of order and now that there is no conch who knows what will happen.
6. The reason why most of the boys want a chief is because they are too young to take any decisions for themselves so it's better for some one to tell them and guide them on what to do.
7. Do you ever think you guys will get rescued?
Do you want to be rescued?
8. The state of the island has completely changed since the beginning of the novel. It started off with being some what "peaceful" but now it is a complete wreck. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Chp.10 LOTF Questions

1. Ralph, Piggy, and Samneric were discussing the death of Simon. Piggy was the most guilty of Simon's death because he denies that they killed Simon. This can be proven when they're talking to each other about what happened that night. "No! How could we - kill- it" (Golding 160).

2. Two differences between Jack and Ralph's explanations for Simon's death is that Ralph is in denial of Simon's death. He says that maybe Simon is still alive and is just "pretending" to be alive. This can be seen in page 156. Jack on the other hand, claims that Simon was the beast in disguise. "He came-disguised. He may come again even though we gave him the head of our kill to eat.." (Golding 160).

3. Based on Jack's order, I came to a conclusion that Jack has lost himself. He is obviously not the same anymore and we can see that by his actions. His savage side has completely taken over him yet he doesn't notice himself.

4. Jack is now the leader/chief.
Piggy: has an asthma attack and is not wearing his glasses
Ralph: Hit one of the boys
Sam: Hid from the boys
Eric: Beaten up by Jack
Jack: Steals Piggy's glasses and leads the other boys away
Roger: Follows Jack around

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Ebola Editorial Questions & Answers

1. What does Betsy McCaughey identify as a problem in her commentary?
McCaughey sates a safer strategy would be to expand capacity at the nations four bio-containment hospitals to help Ebola victims be cured without the staff members catching onto the virus.

2. What solutions does she offer?
A solution she offers is for Ebola patients to be sent to bio-containment centers in Georgia, Maryland, Montana, and Nebraska. She offers this idea because two nurses sent to two of these bio-containment centers have been treated for the virus and have survived.

3. How does infection expert Sean Kaufman view the CDC’s guidelines for protective gear in treating Ebola patients?
He views it as something negative, irresponsible, and dead wrong.

4.  What point did Rep. Michael Burgess make about CDC head Thomas Frieden?
His point was to state how doctors and nurses (from the CDC) should wear a full gear on to cover every possible part of their body while treating an Ebola victim. 

5. a) I do agree with this recommendation because it's better to keep our hospitals sanitized and the people in good health conditions because then what if they get the virus and it acts as a domino effect on the community? 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Article Summary

In the news article titled "Ohio girl, 11, charged with murder in death of 2-month-old" by Mark Gillispie discusses the events that happened the day of the murder. First, Gillispie explains how the situation all started by describing the scenery and when everything started. The 11 year old was said to go upstairs in her home with the baby while her mother was sleeping. Next, the writer explains what the connection is between the baby and the family of the 11 year old girl. Also, he states the laws at the county's juvenile detention center to inform us how the 11 year old can't be tried as an adult because of her age. In addition, the writer mentions the FBI crime statistics of children under the age of 12 who have been accused of murder. Finally, Gillispie concluded the article by quoting a Chief working on the case who said, "We're having a hard time getting (our) heads around this. You don't see stuff like this."

Monday, January 26, 2015

Knowledge Post

I believe that knowledge is something everyone should seek because that is the foundation of life. By this, I mean that without knowledge we will never get far in life. I try to gain knowledge outside of school by the people who I know have been through a lot in life. They just know what the best for me is according to their past experiences. Continuous acquisition of knowledge is important because you have to experience new things in life which may or may not be good, but the objective is to learn from it.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Opinion Piece

Does a person with a positive attitude get farther in life than a person with a negative attitude?

I strongly believe that a person who is positive can be much more successful than one who is miserable 24/7. A person who is positive, motivated, and happy is who everyone should try to be. If someone is always mad, sad, and negative towards everything they will never get far in life. I personally try to be the best that i can to be positive to every obstacle that comes my way.
Being a positive person has many benefits, for example, you can motivate people to be better on who they are and what they can accomplish. Personally, I always try to motivate others to the best of my abilities so they can be happy. Making someone appreciate life a little bit more by giving them a positive thought is the greatest thing anyone can do. Another benefit is that people will want to be your friend. No one wants a sad miserable person around them all the time, so why should you be that person?
If you haven’t noticed, time flies. Enjoying life and what it has to offer is something that everyone should try to do with a positive attitude. Honestly, I wouldn’t want to be on my 30s and thinking “wow, I could have turned that situation around.” I don’t want to regret anything that I didn’t do during my youth. I try to enjoy my life every day with the love of my supporting family and loving friends. I would hate to live life with the mindset of “same routine”. Sadly, our lives are actually a routine but it is our choice to either make it a good day or think that it’s just “another day.”
With those thoughts being said, that is why I think a happy person would accomplish more in life than those who hate life. My final question is, are you a positive or negative person?